Tämä sivu välittää tietoa suomalaisesta työelämästä ja ammattiyhdistysliikkeestä kansainväliselle yleisölle. Se on siksi saatavilla vain englanniksi.

Tekijä (11.10.2023 - Heikki Jokinen) One of the main targets of the Orpo-Purra Government is to weaken employment security. They want to make working life more insecure and precarious.

By cutting dramatically both employment and social security, they calculate that employers will have a submissive reserve of workers ready to do whatever work under whatever conditions.

It can take time to find steady employment. Casual jobs are a typical way to get into working life. There are many immigrants and young people among those in casual jobs.

Now, the government wants to make life even more difficult for them. Finnish labour law says today that dismissing an employee needs "relevant and serious grounds". The right-wing Government will make the threshold for dismissals lower.

They are going to introduce new criteria for “relevant grounds” dismissal. No serious grounds needed any more. The employers' power to fire people will be expanded significantly.

Right-wing politicians also want to make temporary employment easier. Now, the law requires a relevant reason for temporary employment. The government plan is to change the law to allow temporary employment to continue without hindrance for up to one year.