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Tekijä (17.01.2024 - Heikki Jokinen) The Orpo-Purra Government plans to cut 1.5 billion euros from social security.

Soste, the umbrella organisation of the Finnish social affairs and health NGO's, calculated what does it mean in practise. The number of poor people will grow 9.2 per cent and children in poverty 13.2 per cent. Finland will get 68,000 new poor people.

These concerns were heard, in a way. For 2024, Soste state aid will be cut with 60 per cent.

What are the planned Government social security cuts? Here are some examples.

Child supplements of 150 - 285 euro abolished in unemployment benefit. Earnings-related unemployment benefit reduced with 20 percent after two months. Plus five per cent more after eight months. Waiting period for unemployment benefit prolonged from 5 to 7 days.

Required employment for earnings-related benefit doubled from a half year to one year. Wage-subsidised employment no longer counted as the employment condition for earnings-related benefit.

Deep cuts in housing allowance. Unemployment benefit to begin only after outstanding holiday compensation.

Abolition of adult education benefit and job alternation leave. Cuts in benefits for unemployed elderly workers.