Tämä sivu välittää tietoa suomalaisesta työelämästä ja ammattiyhdistysliikkeestä kansainväliselle yleisölle. Se on siksi saatavilla vain englanniksi.

Tekijä (14.02.2024 - Heikki Jokinen) Unemployment security will undergo several changes this year. Unfortunately, not for the better, as the Orpo-Purra right-wing Government is determined to cut benefits and tighten conditions for receiving these.

One of the harshest changes doubles the time in work needed to get earnings-related unemployment allowance. For now, one needs to have 26 weeks (about six months) employment during the 28 months preceding unemployment.

From September this year, this employment condition will be extended from 6 to 12 months during these same 28 months. This means it will be much harder to be eligible for earnings-related unemployment benefits, just like the government parties intend it to be.

At the same time, the employment condition will be linked to euros earned. From September, one must earn in each of these 12 months needed at least 930 euro a month. Until now, the rule is that one must work at least 18 days in each of the 26 weeks needed.

The changes in the work requirement can make life more difficult for those in seasonal work. For them, it will be more difficult to get earnings-related unemployment allowance for the time when there is no work available in their own branch.

In Finland, there is a big number of people doing seasonal work. For instance, in agriculture, forestry, horticulture and landscaping branches, work is done mainly in the snow-free months of the year.

Though people in seasonal work seek other work outside their usual working months, this work is not always available. And when it exists, it is in many cases somewhere else than in the area where one lives. The result would be a modern nomadic life, moving several times a year.

Another plan of the right-wing government is that those living in Finland with a residence permit, must, in case of unemployment, find a new job within three months or leave the country.

This would make life for many foreign people in Finland difficult in general, and in particular for those in seasonal work.