JHL (15.03.2018 - Heikki Jokinen) Everyone has the right to a fair and decent livelihood. This is the clear message of the new JHL campaign. In March the Union kicked off a campaign with the slogan On the side of fairness.
One part of the campaign features short ten second videos showing people in their daily work. “We want that appreciation of work is also seen and reflected in the wallet and wellbeing in working life. On the side of fairness.”
The campaign highlights the important work that members of JHL, the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors are doing every day.
The campaign places a lot of emphasis on how JHL negotiates, offers advice and works every day to guarantee that employees are treated with justice and respect in Finnish working life.
In this work the Union is on the side of fairness. A fair wage and livelihood is the right of everyone. As a member of the Union one can be part of the effort to ensure that JHL has enough resources, in the future, to work for a fair compensation for work.
The campaign will run throughout March all around Finland. The ads and videos can be seen in newspapers, on shopping centre digital billboards and on Youtube.
Here is one of the campaign videos in Finnish.