Tekijä (13.12.2023 - Heikki Jokinen) The Orpo-Purra Government plan to expel those with work-based residence permits who are out of work for three months comes in for a lot of criticism. Not only from trade unions, but also from employers and the public sector.

This is right, as the rule would be not only cruel but also stupid. In many cases, we are speaking of people who have been here for a long time and do work that is very much in demand.

When a job suddenly comes to an end, three months is quite a short time to find a new job. The employment process with applications, interviews and decision-making easily takes that long. At the same time, many companies and public services complain of a shortage of labour.

Moreover, the Government Programme also wants to introduce a target country model for labour migration. These are India, the Philippines, Brazil and Vietnam. However, their citizens do have other alternatives than far-away Finland, too. What this would mean in practice, remains to be seen.

The Industrial Union is, as always, supporting workers rights and all members regardless of their origin. This work takes place every day from shopfloor to political decision-making.