Tekijä (14.02.2024 - Heikki Jokinen) The changes in unemployment security means that seasonal workers must find other work outside their employment periods. Moreover, these changes make seasonal work even more unattractive.

- Even now the employers have problems finding employees. These branches do not attract too many Finns due to the seasonal nature of the work, generally heavy work and quite low pay, says Riikka Vasama, the Bargaining Specialist at the Industrial Union in her interview in Finnish for this magazine.

For example, in the agriculture and horticulture sector the share of foreign employees is high. The Industrial Union and the Federation of Agricultural Employers estimate that half of the people working in these branches have a foreign background.

- When speaking about seasonal workers, in some workplaces the share is 80 - 90 per cent, and in some cases even a 100 per cent.

Many of the seasonal branches are very important for Finland.

- We do speak about producing food, local food and ecology. These branches are important for Finland even for the security of supply, Vasama stress.

- I believe that due to these government actions the attractiveness of these branches will not be growing.