Tekijä (20.03.2024 - Heikki Jokinen) The Orpo-Purra Government is introducing deep cuts to earnings-related unemployment security.

It will cut the earnings-related unemployment allowance, make it more difficult to get it and freeze the index increases. The changes will concern the unemployed, those temporarily laid-off and part-time workers.

Some of the cuts are already in place. From the beginning of this year, the waiting period for unemployment benefits has been raised from five to seven days.

In April, child supplements in unemployment benefits will be abolished. The practice, whereby the unemployed can earn 300 euro a month without cuts in his/her allowance, will be terminated.

In Autumn, the earnings-related unemployment benefit will be cut by 20 per cent after two months of unemployment. After eight months, it will be cut by an additional five per cent.

All of these cuts will hit those temporarily laid off, too.

Tekijä Magazine asked A-kassa unemployment fund to find out the average length of the Industrial Union members' temporary lay-offs. Based on an approximate sample, this is on average 18 days, including weekends. The median time is 12 days. The median is the middle value in a set of data from smallest to largest.