JHL (30.07.2014 - Heikki Jokinen) The basic task of trade unions has always been to unite employees in certain sectors to work for joint goals.

"Strong unions do also influence decisions in society by keeping an eye on the interests of their members when decisions are being made", says Päivi Niemi-Laine, the Chief Executive Officer of JHL.

JHL negotiates and make agreements; it has at the present moment in time more than one hundred collective agreements. When problems arise members can turn to shop stewards, union regional offices and union specialists for help. Also, legal services are made available for the protection of members.

Traditionally the unemployment funds are connected with trade unions, but since the 1990’s there has been a private unemployment fund YTK in Finland, too. However, it does not provide any other services other than the unemployment benefit.

The board members of YTK fund are mainly CEOs of big companies, other high level company directors and some active right wing politicians.

The Fund has been marketing itself aggressively as an alternative to the trade unions and their unemployment funds. It is keen to stress that its fee is lower than the one paid in membership dues to the union - for all its services and the fund combined.

Niemi-Laine reminds us that as a member of a private unemployment fund one does not get any of the benefits the union can offer. The private fund YTK offers insurance for an additional fee, but on reading the small print it becomes clear that the benefits of their policy are limited in comparison to typical union membership insurance.

When problems of a collective agreement nature crop up the YTK fund advises members to ask civil servants working with occupational health and safety.

"The union would offer swift and competent assistance, but this is something the YTK fund will not tell you", Niemi-Laine says.

The Finnish trade union movement has done a lot and achieved great things during its history by working constructively in co-operation with employers and decision makers, Niemi-Laine says. The general improvement of working life has benefited all employees.

"It is worthwhile to take time and compare. Over the long run which has done more to improve the position of employees?", asks Niemi-Laine when comparing the private unemployment fund and trade unions.